What’s New in 2025?

Lenticular Cups from OptiGraphics
OptiGraphics introduces 3D motion lenticular cups for a unique drinking vessel experience. Meet a unique cup that truly sets you apart from anything in the marketplace.

Major Breakthrough in Lenticular Variable Data Direct Mail
OptiGraphics has a major breakthrough in lenticular variable data direct mail with the actual ability to customize both the lenticular front and four-color process back with variable data. This groundbreaking accomplishment is not possible on lenticular postcards, handouts, easel backs, posters, and all types of lenticular cards and stickers.
Super Deep Five D Prints
With our new revolutionary software and new super 3D lens breakthrough, amazing super depth is now available on lenticular depth perception prints.
Optigraphics is appearing ON BROADWAY
Optigraphics is appearing ON BROADWAY now with some of the hottest shows for 2025. Lenticular Large Format Prints are being used for Death Becomes Her, Aladin, and Cabaret both outside the theater, inside the lobby, and decorating the walkways into the theaters. This, along with lenticular direct mail postcards, are the featured marketing tool to get the high powered message across to the most discerning theater critics in the world.
OptiGraphics Reveal Services, Water Reveal continues to be the most sought after technology in the cosmetics industry
Optigraphics Reveal Servies, Water Reveal continues to be the most sought after technology in the cosmetics industry and now adding scratch off cards, liquid foil, high profile UV along with heat, light and hot and cold reveal.